Urban Climate

Vertiefungen: BLH, EÖ, NM, UNE, UÖ
Schwerpunkt: Klimastadt
Modulkürzel: UrCl
ECTS-Credits: 5
Modultyp: Wahlpflichtmodul

Essential Information

You will explore urban environments, focusing on temperature, wind patterns, radiation balance, and air quality dynamics. You will integrate urban climatology into city planning, understanding its critical role in shaping urban spaces. The module empowers you to contribute to climate-sensitive urban planning, addressing challenges like urban heat islands. Global best practices and Swiss-specific examples provide adaptable insights for effective strategies across diverse urban landscapes, preparing you to tackle urban climate challenges.

Module Contents

Fundamentals of urban climates

  • Dynamics of wind, radiation, temperature, and water within the urban environment
  • Urban heat island effect: causes, measuring and modelling
  • Air quality: challenges and monitoring
  • The influence of the urban climate on health, ecology, and economy

Climate sensitive city planning

  • Analysis and visualization of factors relevant for urban planning
  • Concepts for planning and development regarding the urban climate
  • Dynamic planning regarding climate change
  • Heat mitigation strategies worldwide and in Switzerland

Methods for regulating the urban climate

  • Urban green infrastructure
  • Blue infrastructure
  • Technical solutions

Study Information

The language of instruction is English.


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