Presen­tation Skills for Environ­mental Engineers

Vertiefungen: BLH, EÖ, NM, UNE, UÖ
Modulkürzel: PSEE
ECTS-Credits: 2
Modultyp: Wahlpflichtmodul

Essential Information

You will focus on two principles: effectively presenting information you have researched in your field of expertise and highlighting the results of your research in an abstract. Examples of professional presentations and model abstracts are combined with extensive practice and teacher feedback to help you develop your skills throughout the semester.

Module Contents

Research Skills

  • literature research
  • identifying suitable sources
  • referencing and citations (APA)

Presentation Skills

  • presentation language
  • presentation structures
  • fielding questions
  • creating presentation materials

Abstract Writing

  • structuring an abstract
  • clarity
  • register

Study Information

The language of instruction is English.


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