Lea­ding Cour­ses and Ex­cur­sions

Vertiefungen: BLH, EÖ, NM, UNE, UÖ
Minor: Bildung und Beratung
Modulkürzel: LCE
ECTS-Credits: 5
Modultyp: Wahlpflichtmodul

Essential Information

Environmental engineers are often tasked with providing information in the form of teaching courses or leading field trips. How can an enthusiasm for topics relating to the environment and natural resources be encouraged? How can participants in learning programmes develop concrete options for action?

This module will provide you with teaching models and methods to help you learn the basics of planning and teaching courses and field trips. Additionally, you will develop a lesson plan as a group project and implement it with external participants. Assess the extent to which learning objectives have been achieved using appropriate assessment methods. Finally, you will keep a reflective journal to ensure that the competencies you have acquired are firmly anchored in your skill set.

Module Contents


  • Teaching Triangle
  • Berlin Model

Course Design

  • Sequencing of Learning Units
  • Didactic Reduction

Educational Methods

  • Activating Methods
  • Constructivist Methods
  • Evaluation Methods

Leading Field Trips

  • Activities and Methods for Excursions
  • Place-based Learning

Study Information

The language of instruction is English.


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