Applied Environ­mental Analysis and Micro­biology

Vertiefungen: BLH, EÖ, NM, UNE, UÖ
Minor: Umweltanalytik
Modulkürzel: AEAM
ECTS-Credits: 5
Modultyp: Wahlpflichtmodul

Essential Information

This field- and laboratory-based module is designed to equip you with the knowledge and practical skills necessary to address pressing environmental challenges. You will delve into the intricate relationship between microorganisms, chemical pollutants, and the environment, exploring their roles in various ecosystems and their impact on environmental health.

You will apply various techniques for environmental monitoring and assessment in the field. Through real-world studies, you will develop practical skills in environmental sample collection. You will learn how to analyse those samples with various chemical-, microbial-, molecular-based methods enabling a deeper understanding of the environment.

Module Contents

Methods in microbiology:

  • Culture-based techniques: Isolation, cultivation, and characterization
  • Microbial activity assays: Measurement of microbial processes such as respiration, enzyme activity, and metabolic rates to assess microbial activity and function
  • Microscopic techniques: Observation and morphological characterization of microbial cells and structures

Methods in ecotoxicology:

  • Toxicity testing: Acute and chronic toxicity testing
  • Ecological risk assessment: Integration of toxicity data, exposure analysis, and ecological parameters to quantify the potential risks posed by pollutants to ecosystems and wildlife

Project work in one of three topics (ecotoxicology, microbiology,
or molecular biology):

  • Creation of sampling concept
  • Analysis in the field or in the lab
  • Evaluation and interpretation of data
  • Visualization and presentation of data

Study Information

The language of instruction is English.


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